Support under GINOP Plus 3.2.1-21
„Improving adaptability and productivity of workers and enterprises through workforce development”
the name of the beneficiary
Wozify Engineering Group Kft.
the amount of aid contracted
875.250 HUF
Training to acquire or develop competences that are broadly applicable in the labour market, regardless of the sector or profession. Examples include communication training, courses to develop leadership skills or project-based teamwork training.
Project thinking and management
The aim of the training is to familiarise participants with the methods and tools of project management and to enable them to manage their own projects independently, including the planning, implementation and follow-up of the project, and the coordination of the project team.
Project thinking and management
30 hours of soft-skills training.
- project organisation
- project thinking
- what is a project
- how to plan it
- project cycle model
- project budget
- scheduling
- risk analysis
- monitoring, feedback
The person who has completed the training:
- Knowledge of the project cycle model and basic project management models.
- Ability to set up a project and apply project management tools.
- Master time management and multitasking skills.
- Skills in coordinating the work of others, motivating project participants, clear handover and feedback.
- Knowledge of agile project management methods and tools.
- Master the skills to conduct project meetings effectively, either live or online.
the planned end date of the training
Communication skill development
The aim of the training is to familiarise participants with different communication styles, tools, techniques, assertive communication tools and suggestiveness, which they will be able to apply at a skill level in their work, both orally and in writing, in communicating with internal and external audiences.
20 hours of soft-skills training.
- internal communication
- communication with partners.
- communication with internal communication - communication with clients.
- assertive comm.
- verbal-nonverbal comm.
- negotiation techniques
- communication techniques
- win-win situations
The trainer:
- Will be able to understand and use the protocol of formal written and oral communication.
- Be able to listen with understanding to the other party in order to achieve more effective cooperation.
- Be able to develop suggestive, assertive and adult-adult communication situations and communicate effectively - self-assertively with maximum cooperation.
- Be able to recognise communication barriers and to communicate without them.
- Be able to deliver appropriate messages to different target groups using appropriate channels
the planned end date of the training